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Lou Janelle

Photographer of the month: Gary Whipple
For starters in this new feature of our web site, Gary Whipple, a long-time member of our club, has offered to tell his story for us.
1.. Where did an interest in photography begin?
I picked up an interest from my father who always had his folding Kodak when we were on vacation.
2.. At what age did your interest begin?
I had a Brownie camera when I was young. I don’t know when I first had it. That was followed by several Instamatics and finally a 35 MM SLR when I was grown. An East German Praktica. I have always been able to find something to shoot even if it was just stumps in the woods.
3.. What photographic genre especially is of interest to you?
People first, Auto racing – the cars and even more the people who do it. The small things we usually walk right by. There is something everywhere. It is hard to do justice to the grand landscapes, but the small and every day also needs to be captured.
4.. What methods or secrets would you share to successful shots accomplished?
Best advice is, slow down. Examine what it is that drew you to the subject. Eliminate everything else.
5.. What equipment and software especially useful,
Mostly Canon. I have a Panasonic mirrorless that I’m still trying to get used to.
6.. What do you like about being a member of the Akron Camera Club?
I like being with other photographers, especially ones who are already better than me, at some things at least; that is the best way to grow. People who are trying new things and encouraging each other. I don’t get to as many meetings now since I have moved farther east but still
cherish the chances to be together when I can.
Contests have been a big help to me over the years. If you don’t think your pictures are good enough to enter, that is when you need to enter. That’s the best way to get better. It’s not about the score, but it’s what you can learn from someone else’s opinion and suggestions. It's not just suggestions for your pictures, but it is a chance to learn from what everyone is doing.
7.. Do you have any interesting stories related to a photographic adventure?
Having a camera gives you reasons to go new places and do new things.
Below are a few samples of Gary's works.

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